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We are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of your personal information. As part of this commitment, our privacy policy governs our actions as they relate to the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information. Our privacy policy is based upon the values set by the Canadian Standards Association's Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information and Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

We collect, use and disclose Personal Information to provide you with the product or service you have requested. The purposes for which we collect Personal Information will be identified before or at the time we collect the information. In certain circumstances, the purposes for which information is collected may be clear, and consent may be implied, such as where your name, address and payment information is provided as part of the order process.

Knowledge and consent are required for the collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information except where required or permitted by law. Providing us with your Personal Information is always your choice. However, your decision not to provide certain information may limit our ability to provide you with our products or services. We will not require you to consent to the collection, use, or disclosure of information as a condition to the supply of a product or service, except as required to be able to supply the product or service.

The Personal Information collected will be limited to those details necessary for the purposes identified by us. With your consent, we may collect Personal Information from you by corresponding with you via email or the Internet.

Personal Information may only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected unless you have otherwise consented, or when it is required or permitted by law. Personal Information will only be retained for the period of time required to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it or as may be required by law. 

Our website may contain links to other third party sites that are not governed by this privacy policy. Although we endeavor to only link to sites with high privacy standards, our privacy policy will no longer apply once you leave our website. Additionally, we are not responsible for the privacy practices employed by third party websites. Therefore, we suggest that you examine the privacy statements of those sites to learn how your information may be collected, used, shared and disclosed.

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